Jaw pain with sinus infection is a subject that can worry many people. Sinusitis can basically be explained as inflammation of the tissues in the sinuses. These are air-filled spaces in your forehead, cheeks and nose.

It usually causes facial pain, nasal congestion or runny nose. It can also cause fever or other symptoms. Although it is most often caused by a cold, there can be other causes. Jaw pain with sinus infection is a subject that can affect people’s daily lives. If you have complaints about this, you can contact us.

As Clean Smiley, we carry out the entire process professionally and offer you the best results. Our clinic in Antalya successfully completes the process by offering special solutions for each problem.

What Is A Sinus Infection?

What is a sinus infection? The sinuses are four paired cavities located in the head. They are connected by narrow passages. The sinuses produce mucus that flows through the passages in the nose.

As we mentioned, sinusitis is the swelling and inflammation of the tissue lining the sinuses. These are air-filled structures located in the face. Viral or bacterial infections and allergies can irritate them, causing them to become blocked and filled with fluid. This can cause pressure and pain in the face, nasal congestion or other symptoms.

Sinusitis has different types. Acute Sinusitis is one of them. Here, the symptoms last less than four weeks. It is mostly caused by viruses such as the common cold. Subacute Sinusitis symptoms last 4-12 weeks. Chronic sinusitis symptoms last at least 12 weeks. It is usually caused by bacteria. Recurrent acute sinusitis symptoms return 4 or more times during the year, each time lasting less than two weeks.

Viruses, like those that cause the common cold, cause most cases of sinusitis. They can cause sinusitis or infect after a case of viral sinusitis. What is a sinus infection? It can be explained in general terms like this.

For more information on symptoms related to dental implants, you can read our Symptoms of Perforated Sinus After Dental Implant article.

What Are the Stages of Sinus Infection?

What are the stages of sinus infection? First, it is necessary to understand the common symptoms. Basically, they are as follows.

  • Postnasal drip
  • Runny nose with thick yellow or green mucus
  • Nasal congestion
  • Facial pressure. This may get worse when you turn your head or lean forward.
  • Pressure or pain in your teeth
  • Ear pressure or pain
  • Fever
  • Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Fatigue

These are important in the subject of what are the stages of sinus infection? The causes of these infections can vary. Basically, viruses, bacteria, fungi and allergens are included in this scope.

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If you’re interested in understanding other symptoms after dental procedures, check out our post on Symptoms of Loose Dental Implant Crown.

Can A Sinus Infection Spread to The Jawbone?

Can a sinus infection spread to the jawbone? Patients may also wonder about this issue with concern. Normally, sinusitis itself is not contagious from person to person. However, the cause of sinusitis is probably contagious.

Sinusitis usually results from a viral infection, the common cold. Thus, it can spread through respiratory droplets. Thus, it can spread through what comes out of the mouth when sneezing or coughing. In addition, some bacterial infections can also spread during close contact or when you touch a dirty object.

Jaw pain can generally occur for different reasons. For example, TMD, teeth grinding habits and gum diseases are some of them. When the sinuses are blocked, discomfort can also be felt in the jaw and teeth. Sinus infections can affect the jaw and face due to congestion, allergies, and swelling.

To explore treatment options for dental discomfort, read our guide on How to Treat Burned Gums from Teeth Whitening.

Thus, it can cause swelling and pain. Sinuses are located between the eyes, on the cheekbone and on the bridge of the nose. These occupy an important place in the facial area. Therefore, if they swell and become inflamed, the pain and pressure in question can easily pass to the jaw.

Therefore, it not only causes jaw pain but also ear pain and general facial pain. The question can a sinus infection spread to the jawbone? can be answered in this way. If you are showing symptoms, it is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

How Do You Get Rid of Jaw Pain from Sinus Infection?

How do you get rid of jaw pain from sinus infection? Especially those who experience these problems may wonder and think about such questions. For this, the necessary diagnosis must first be made.

For this, our doctors make the necessary diagnoses according to your symptoms and health history. Your ears, nose and throat are examined in this direction. An endoscope is also used to check the inside of the nose. In addition, there are some special tests.

Nasal Endoscopy

Nasal endoscopy is among the tests that can be performed. During this time, soft-tipped sticks are used to take a fluid sample from the nose. It is possible to use these for viruses or different microbes that may cause symptoms.

CT Scan

It is also possible to benefit from imaging technologies. In this way, what is happening in the sinuses can be better understood. The necessary tests within the scope of Computerized Tomography are also performed by us.

Allergy Tests

If you have chronic sinusitis pain, our doctors can also use this to understand the allergies that may trigger it.

In addition to all these, there is also a biopsy. In some cases, it may be necessary to take a tissue sample from the patient’s nose. In this way, diagnoses can be made easily. Then, an appropriate treatment method is determined. How do you get rid of jaw pain from sinus infection? It is planned specifically for each patient.

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If you’re recovering from a dental procedure, our list of 50 Soft Foods to Eat After Dental Implant Surgery might be helpful.

Sinus Infection Jaw Pain Home Remedy

Sinus infection jaw pain home remedy is sought after by many people. These are considered especially for relief from sudden pain. There are some recommendations on this subject. First of all, if there are rooms where you spend a lot of time, it is recommended to use a humidifier in these rooms. Cleaning should also be done regularly. You can also consider the following in this context.


Sinus infection jaw pain home remedy is the first thing that can be taken in. Getting into the steam can relax the nasal passages. For this, you can turn on the shower and sit in the bathroom or breathe in the steam from water that is not too hot.

Using Warm Water

Using warm water is also among the things you can do in such cases. For this, it is enough to put a warm, wet towel on your face. In this way, it is possible to reduce some of the pressure.

Salt and Water Mixture

Salt and water mixture is also among sinus infection jaw pain home remedy. However, tap water should not be used during this time. Because it should not be forgotten that it may contain unwanted substances. Instead, distilled water, sterile labeled water can be used. Then it is possible to use it by mixing it with salt.

Fluid Consumption

Fluid consumption should not be forgotten in this process. Thus, it is possible to thin the mucus. In this way, it is possible to reduce the blockage.

Sinus infection jaw pain home remedy includes rest in addition to all these. It is recommended that you do your work more lightly than normal and give your body a chance to heal.

However, what you need to know is that these may not go further than being just a temporary solution. If you are in a lot of pain, these may allow you to relax for a while. It is recommended that you see a doctor as soon as possible and get treatment to get definitive answers. Our doctors in Antalya offer you first-class solutions in this regard.

Treatment Of Jaw Pain with Sinus Infection

Treatment of jaw pain with sinus infection is performed in a special way for each patient. These depend on the symptoms and how long they have been going on. The methods we have given above will only help you get temporary relief.

If you have been diagnosed with this, there are many types of medications that can be prescribed. These include antibiotics, oral or topical nasal decongestants, and prescription intranasal steroid sprays. It is always done specifically according to the underlying condition of the problem.

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Apart from these, there are some surgical methods. Endoscopic sinus surgery is one of them. At this stage, a thin tube with a camera and light at one end is placed in the nose. This device is called an endoscope, so it is possible to see the area where the surgery will be performed. Then, small instruments are used to target the problem. Thus, it is possible to shave the tissue or bone, remove the fungal infection or remove polyps. There are also methods such as:


Treatment of jaw pain with sinus infection, this is also among them. It is performed to correct a deviated septum and involves reshaping a section of the bone or cartilage in the nose, and in some cases removing it. It can be done during endoscopic sinus surgery.

Balloon Sinusoplasty

In these procedures, a thin and flexible tube called a catheter is positioned in the nose. Thus, it is passed towards the blockage in the sinuses. When it reaches there, the small balloon at the end is inflated, then deflated and re-inflated. Thus, it aims to open the sinuses and improve their drainage and air flow.

Treatment of jaw pain with sinus infection includes many options in this regard. After patients contact, the most appropriate treatment method for them is determined in a special way.


Sinus infections are generally treatable with surgery, antibiotics or decongestants. If it is caused by allergies, it is possible to use antihistamines. However, if it is an infection caused by viruses, antibiotics will not cure it either. Therefore, treatments are carried out in a special way according to the patient and their problems.

Sinus infections can arise from dental problems. Therefore, the necessary examinations should be experienced beforehand. Although viruses usually cause sinus infections, they can also be caused by bacteria, fungi or other irritants. These can last for a short time or become chronic.

Jaw pain with sinus infection can be a very painful and disturbing process. Therefore, it is recommended to get treatment as soon as possible. As Clean Smiley, which provides service in Antalya, we aim for you to get a problem-free solution from the first step to the last step.

With Clean Smiley, which provides services on health tourism, you can have a beautiful and unforgettable Antalya holiday and find solutions to your dental health problems when you arrive. Prices vary according to patients, their problems, and the treatment applied, but we always make the most suitable offers when compared to the USA and Europe. If you want to benefit from these or get information, it is enough to contact us.

We’ve reached the end of our discussion on Jaw Pain With Sinus Infection. For more detailed information and to explore our services, please visit the Clean Smiley homepage. If you have any questions or want to schedule a consultation, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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