Double jaw surgery before and after, if the procedure is done correctly, it can be determined in a short time. If you want to get these results even better and get the results you expect, our clinic offers you professional help in this process.

Clean Smiley, located in Antalya, offers quality health services to every patient, regardless of whether they are local or foreign. By taking advantage of our health tourism solutions, you can both have a unique holiday experience in Antalya and get definitive answers to your dental health problems. If you have any questions about this subject, you can contact us about double jaw surgery before and after.

What’s Double Jaw Surgery?

What’s double jaw surgery? This is also called Bi-Maxillary Osteotomy. This is basically a type of Orthognathic or corrective jaw surgery.

Our clinic performs this by performing surgery on one jaw at a time. Double jaw surgery is performed on both jaws at the same time during surgery. This is done to solve both aesthetic and functional skeletal problems. A common condition that double jaw surgery addresses is a jaw that can cause an abnormal bite called Malocclusion.

  • Geographic Location: The cost of double jaw surgery can vary significantly depending on the country and city where you undergo the procedure. In some countries, it can be more affordable due to lower medical costs.
  • Hospital Fees: The cost will include hospital or clinic fees, which cover the use of the operating room, medical equipment, and any necessary overnight stays.
  • Surgeon’s Experience: The experience and expertise of the surgeon can also impact the cost. More experienced surgeons may charge higher fees, but they also bring greater assurance of a successful outcome.
  • Additional Costs: Other potential costs include pre-surgery consultations, follow-up visits, and any necessary orthodontic treatment before or after surgery.

Our doctors resize all jaw bones to provide the best results for their patients. It is not limited to this, it is reshaped and positioned.

For those undergoing double jaw surgery, it’s common to have questions about post-operative care. Our article on How Soon After Dental Implant Surgery Can I Exercise might answer some questions regarding physical activity after your procedure.

What Does Double Jaw Surgery Do?

What does double jaw surgery do? The answer to this question can be given in general terms as above. Double jaw surgery is a procedure that is far from being a cosmetic procedure. Suitable candidates for this are people who suffer from deteriorated physical characteristics of the mouth and jaw due to genetics or different diagnoses. The following are also in the category of suitable candidates.

  • People with an abnormally long face or jaw
  • People with a protruding jaw
  • People with significant malocclusion due to skeletal abnormalities
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The answer to what does double jaw surgery do? can be given in general terms as follows. Obstructive sleep apnea-type sleep conditions can be a result of different facial structural problems. It can be corrected to increase the quality of life. Our clinic performs its work meticulously and professionally if the patients are found suitable after the examination.

Understanding potential complications is crucial for those considering major oral surgeries. Learn more about related symptoms in our guide on Symptoms of Loose Dental Implant Crown.

How Much Does It Cost To Get Double Jaw Surgery?

How much does it cost to get double jaw surgery? The answer to this question varies for each patient. This situation varies according to the mouth and jaw structure. For this reason, patients are informed after applying and providing the necessary information.

Cost ComponentDescriptionEstimated Cost Range (USD)
Surgeon’s FeeCovers the surgical expertise and procedure$2,000 – $4,000
Hospital ChargesIncludes operating room, anesthesia, and staff$1,000 – $2,500
Post-Surgery CareMedications, follow-up visits$500 – $1,000
Orthodontic TreatmentMay be required before/after surgery$1,500 – $3,000

However, as Clean Smiley, we always make the most suitable offers in this context. In our clinic, doctors perform this operation with general anesthesia. This takes 3-4 hours, but sometimes it can take longer.

While one of two techniques is used in lower jaw surgery, usually one is used for the upper jaw. The first lower jaw option is Sagittal Split Osteotomy. This basically cuts the back of the jaw diagonally into two pieces on the left and right. Our doctors then move the protruding lower jaw back or the retracted lower jaw forward to achieve a better closure. Then, the lower jaw is fixed with titanium screws and in some cases plates.

This situation is popular and fixes the segments rigidly. How much does it cost to get double jaw surgery? The answer to this question also varies depending on the technique used. The second lower jaw bone is the Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteomy. With this method, our doctors make vertical incisions behind the lower jaw.

It allows the lower jaw to be cut and moved backwards. It allows the jaw to be repositioned without using wires or pins. For this reason, people need to cover their teeth with wires for a few weeks during recovery. This reduces the possibility of jaw joint pain or other complications. The procedure provides very little margin of error and is performed expertly by our doctors.

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How Long Does İt Take to Recover From Double Jaw Surgery?

How long does it take to recover from double jaw surgery? People may ask such questions because they want to return to their lives as soon as possible after medical procedures. The recovery period for double jaw surgery is a matter of the method used by our doctors.

However, in general, the natural recovery period for bone healing takes 4 to 6 weeks. Patient teeth are usually closed using wires for 1-3 weeks. Afterwards, guide elastics are attached. The face may swell for 48 hours after the surgery. It is possible to drink water immediately after the surgery and liquid foods can be taken the next day.

Before going home, people undergo a jaw check and X-rays are also taken. When discharged, people need someone with them. It should also be remembered that patients need to take a leave of absence from work or school for 3 to 8 weeks for the procedure. The following situations occur during this process. Pain

  • Dry lips
  • Stuffed nose
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Numbness

To support a rapid recovery, pureed or soft foods should be consumed for the first 6 weeks. Medications prescribed to you by our physicians should also be taken as instructed. Smoking and alcohol consumption should also be avoided during the process.

Individuals should always practice good oral hygiene, stay hydrated and avoid strenuous activities. Our clinic should be visited regularly for the first few weeks. The first stage of recovery usually takes 6 weeks. However, it can take up to 12 weeks for the jawbones to fully heal. Our clinic provides the necessary information to its patients about Double Jaw Surgery Before and After.

Recovery after jaw surgery can be challenging. To ease your recovery, you may benefit from exploring 50 Soft Foods to Eat After Dental Implant Surgery, which provides helpful meal options that are easy on healing tissues.

Jawline Surgery Cost​ Turkey

Jawline surgery cost Turkey is generally more affordable than the USA and Europe. However, since these applications are planned and performed specifically for each patient, the prices may vary.

If you need these solutions, as Clean Smiley, we carry out the work with our professional medical teams completely, step by step. We aim to help you throughout the process and get the results you expect.

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We can perform these applications for both male and female patients. Double chin surgery in men is a process that requires attention before and after. Male patients should rest under supervision for at least 1 day during the recovery process. It should not be forgotten that patients may feel pain during the process. Our physicians provide you with the necessary assistance in this regard.

Female patients may also experience jaw pain. The recovery process has a similar structure for both male and female patients. However, regardless of gender, there may be some differences from person to person. Our clinic carries out the entire process professionally.

Can You Talk After Double Jaw Surgery?

Can you talk after double jaw surgery? This is the issue that patients worry about the most. Basically, speaking can be difficult for a while after the surgery. This is due to temporary jaw swelling and readjustment. However, many patients regain their former speaking abilities over time.

Among these applications, the condition where the lower teeth are more prominent than the upper jaw is called lower jaw surgery. As with the upper jaw closure, necessary surgical interventions must be performed in this case. Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery, is used to adjust jaw alignments that affect function and appearance.

The procedure basically involves a combination of repositioning the jaw bones, providing bite alignment, and improving facial balance and breathing problems.

Dental implants often follow major jaw surgeries. If you’re planning your next steps, consider reading Tooth Extraction and Implant Timeline for more information on what to expect in your treatment journey.


Double Jaw Surgery is meticulously applied to each patient who is deemed suitable after the preliminary examination. As Clean Smiley, we carry out these studies meticulously for each of our patients and enable you to achieve successful and dreamed solutions.

With the services we offer with our professional medical teams and modern medical technology, it is possible to get the best results with double jaw surgery before and after. Our specialist physicians assist you throughout this process. Treatment prices are determined specifically for each patient. Basically, the mouth and jaw structure and which treatment methods are used are key in this regard.

However, as Clean Smiley, we make the most suitable offers in this context. Double jaw surgery before and after provides effective results with our successful studies. As a clinic, we aim to provide health tourism services so that you can have a good holiday and solve your oral and dental problems.

We’ve reached the end of our discussion on “Double Jaw Surgery Before and After.” For more detailed information and to explore our services, please visit the Clean Smiley homepage. If you have any questions or want to schedule a consultation, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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